Turn of Seasons

Turn of Seasons

Bulgaria experiences four distinct seasons, each contributing to the country’s rich cultural tapestry. Spring brings blooming flowers and is a time for celebrations like Baba Marta, where people tie red and white yarn bracelets to welcome new life.

By E.H (12th Grade)

Bulgaria has been blessed with all four seasons,

I like that, yes. Quite a lot.

Clothes for every change of weather,

Food that follows suit.

Soups and fruits that come and go

As snow becomes rain becomes mud.

It’s much better that way:

Cozy sweaters and dancing leaves,

Allergies for the most beautiful cause.

Then comes fading freckles and overdressed babas,

Cold tiles finding solace in central heating.

As the sun starts coming to her senses,

Brisk walkers disturb fallen petals

Of blossoming trees overhead.

Heat rising from the concrete stuns tourists

Soothed only by cold water springs.

While the weather flitters through her many moods,

Bulgaria holds her hand,

“It will be alright my dear,

Change is on its way”

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