A Cursory Prosodic Composition of the New Year

A Cursory Prosodic Composition of the New Year

A captivating poem by one of SCA’s budding young poets. Finally, the New Year approaches and everyone is thrilled to witness the fireworks display. What does this poet has in store for us?

by G.J. (8th Grade)

When midnight comes, comes New Year’s Day,

Where comes such joy and celebration,

That with sky alight, there’s need to say,

“Behold this wondrous scintillation!”

In such a way comes sparkling

And beauty in our sky,

From ground shoots inverse lightning

Rising so many storeys high!

For four years in Bulgaria,

We’ve stood on the eleventh floor,

Watching each year’s hysteria

Embodied in fireworks galore!

Yet better known should it be

Of what’s ascending to the heights,

For I wish it is that things might flee

As this year’s worries and foolish frights.

In early morning we grow weary

Of staying up this late

And life in consciousness grows dreary,

So here comes a somnolent state!

There comes a time when all is done

When midnight’s glare is gone

And the celestial retains no fun,

So let this new year dawn!

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