When you find yourself confused and puzzled in front of a Bulgarian, at the same time you are very eager to say hie or ask a question, this is the perfect time to take out your notebook and learn SOME USEFUL PHRASES.
Goodluck, twist your tongue!
by R.J. (10th Grade)
“Zdraveite” I greet, or “zdrasti” to friends,
And “leka nosht” is for when the day ends.
As in Italian, goodbye is said “Chao,”
And “Mersi” is the way they say thanks now.
To inquire about health, or how was your day,
All I need ask is “Kak ste?”
If someone asks how you are, and you’re doing okay,
The correct form of response is “Az sum dobre.”
But if you’re sick and in a bad way,
The only good answer is “Losho mi e.”
Zdra-VEI-te (здравейте)—Hello (formal)
ZDRA-sti (здрасти)—Hi (informal)
LE-ka nosht (лека нощ)—Good night
Chao (чао)—Bye (informal)
Mer-SI (мерси)—Thanks (informal)
Kak ste (как сте)—How are you? (formal)
Az sum dob-RE (аз съм добре)—I am good/fine/well
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